Bye Bye 2013, New Year new PLAN!
I'm obsessed with this author who wrote two books about drug addiction. I highly recommend it. His name is David Sheff he wrote Beautiful Boy & CLEAN. Start with beautiful boy... it's from a parents perspective. I swear he was writing my story! His latest book Clean is about the facts, lies and perception of drug addiction. I'm almost done reading it, it has me captivated. It truly has opened my eyes. The more I educate myself about drug addiction the better I feel because I'm starting to understand it now. I had no idea before, I was misinformed about it all and everything I thought I knew about drugs and addiction was wrong. I was so off base!!
The good news is I'm one of those people who learns from experiences. So in light of the new year here is my New Year resolution! I'm going to give it my all so wish me luck.
1. Get AL proper help: (My goal is to get him to understand he is an ill person NOT a bad person. Bottom line by year end my goal is to have him in rehabilitation some way some how so help me GOD)
2. Educate my family & friends on my findings: (In order for them to be able to support us and most importantly to help and support AL they need to know the facts from a professional in addiction)
3. Establish boundaries with family & friends: (If they are not part of the solution then they are part of the problem. We need support and understanding not judgments or criticism. If they are not on board then they need to get off and step aside. We don't need any more distractions)
4. Focus more on my youngest son: (He needs his mother and father to be fully engaged in his life. I'm so sorry son mom loves you so much and I'm done with laying on the couch)
May GOD bless us all this year!!
AL's Mom